इसे छोड़कर कंटेंट पर जाएं



Sinced the 2.0 beta version, Butterfly supports collaboration. This means that you can edit the same file with multiple people at the same time. This is useful if you want to work together on a document.

How it works

Butterfly uses a websocket server that will be hosted on your computer. This server needs to be accessible from the internet or your local network. The client will connect to this server. The server sync all changes and events with all clients.

Setup the server

Firstly, enable the collaboration experiment in the settings. After that open your document you want to share. Then click on the share button in the top left corner right to the title. This will open a dialog. Click on Start server.

Default the server will be hosted on all interfaces on port 28005. You can change this in the dialog. You need to make sure that this server is accessible to the client. In the local network this should work out of the box. If you want to access the server from the internet, you need to forward the port in your router. You can find more information about this here.

If you cannot forward the port, you can use a service like ngrok. This will create a tunnel to your local server. This is useful if you want to share the document with other people.

For ngrok the command would look like this:

Terminal window
ngrok http 28005

Connect to the server

Now you need to connect to the server. To do this, go to the home page and click on the plus button like you would create a new document. There you will see a new menu item called Connect.

Click on this and you will see a dialog. Enter the connection url here. If you are in the same network, you can use the local ip address of the computer where the server is running. The url should look like this: ws://{ip}:28005. Replace {ip} with the ip address of the computer. You can find the ip address with the command ipconfig on windows or ifconfig on linux. On android you can find the ip address in the wifi settings.

If you are not in the same network, you need to use the public ip address of the computer. You can find this by searching for what is my ip in your favorite search browser. The url should look like the one above, but with the public ip address.

If you use ngrok, the setup is a bit different. Replace the https with wss and add the port :28005 at the end. The url should look like this: wss://{random}:28005. Replace the random part with the part that ngrok gives you.